#1 Parameters
topThrough this tab it is possible to set and save parameters that are necessary in order to release the planned orders. The tab consists of 3 sections, one for each planned order type to be released.
In Production Orders section it is possible, through the activation of 'Generation of Subcontractor Orders for external operations' flag, to decide that, if an external phase is inserted into the phase list of production planned order release, a subcontractor order for the external phase has to be generated consequently. Usually this flag is active.
In Purchase Requests section it is possible to:
- Set, through the specific combo box, the purchase request type that has to be generated by the purchase planned order release. In this combo box it is possible to propose automatically the purchase request type that has been already set into the Materials Requirement Parameters
- The activation of 'Round-off Purchase Demand' flag is necessary because in this way the release procedure of purchase planned order can round off the quantity that is inserted into purchase request line which is generated by the release of purchase planned orders, if quantities with decimals are available
- Decide the grouping method: in fact activating the 'Grouping earliest' flag the release procedure performs a grouping of the purchase planned orders generated for the same item. It is possible to set also the number of range days within which user can performed the grouping considering the estimated reception dates of items and so the purchase planned order end date
- Decide, in case that there is not vendor in the purchase planned order, to accept the orders without vendor, to leave out the orders without vendor or Accept as vendor what is specified into the specific boxes
In Subcontractor Orders section it is possible to:
- Set through the combo box of the 'Order Type' and the 'Year' field if the subcontractor order to be generated has to have Close or Open type and year
- Decide the grouping method: in fact activating the 'Group the orders of the same subcontractor' flag the release procedure performs a grouping of the subcontractor planned orders, inserting in the same subcontractor order the items that have to be worked by the same subcontractor
- Decide, in case that there is not subcontractor in the subcontractor planned order, to leave out the orders without subcontractor or accept as subcontractor the orders that is specified into the specific boxes
Lastly, in this tab there is an icon of ribbon bar that enables the user to save parameters as their settings.
BuildDate : 30 marzo 2015